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Do you need Magnesium?

Magnesium is the most critical nutrient necessary for the electrical stability of every cell in the body. It may be the most important nutrient needed by our bodies.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient that is often found to be deficient in people. It is responsible for many important body functions. Its used daily by the body for hormone production, muscle and nerve support and when your under stress. Perhaps our soil is very low in magnesium due to farming practices and poor soil conditions. In order to metabolize processed food  the body needs magnesium. Processed food are naturally low in magnesium to begin with.I have read that 80% of people are magnesium deficient.

Low magnesium is responsible for many conditions like muscle aches, spasms, restless leg, It’s essential for nerve conduction and electrolytle balance.  Magnesium is helpful to alleviate pain, depression, anxiety, PMS, headaches, constipation, insomnia and Nerve dysfunction such as MS. Magnesium is essential in the production of nitric oxide which benefits the cardiovascular system.. It also is helpful in conditions such as osteoporosis.

Stress promotes magnesium deficiency. Suboptimal Magnesium status may decrease someone’s tolerance to stress as well. Studies even show children who got tension headaches when supplemented with magnesium the headaches decreased 81%.

The problem with measuring if your levels of magnesium are low is that the magnesium is found in the cells not the serum so assessing with a blood test is not accurate. Thirst is not only a sign of dehydration but also a sign of mineral deficiency as well. There are different forms of magnesium and some are more absorbable than others. Liquid is considered more absorbable. Some people have good success with transdermal magnesium which you apply to your body.

Depending on age, different levels of magnesium are optimal and depending on conditions some forms of magnesium are more beneficial. A good old fashioned way to get some magnesium is to go take a hot Epsom salt bath. There is much more readily available info on this crucial health topic.

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