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It is a strange thing that people often complain of having a lack of energy.  Yet, at the quantum level we are made of energy. So, how can we improve our vitality?

I have been giving this some thought and I think that the first thing to do is to eliminate burdens and stress as much as possible. Our modern technological society places a great demand on our sympathetic nervous system. This causes our adrenals to be taxed and for other stress hormones to flood our system.

We need to take care of the things that have been nagging at us and draining our energy, whatever seems to occupy too much “mental airtime”.

Waking up and being grateful is a great way to start the day and feel connected. The more that we feel connected to nature the more energy we will feel.  You actually can draw life force from the sun, the trees, the earth and the water. Standing on the earth with bare feet and grounding can help to eliminate the EMF’s which are bombarding us all the time.

Regenerative activities nourish the yin. The yin is the Moon aspect of someone. It keeps you calm, cool and collected.

Basically we can call it the parasympathetic nervous system . Things that support and nourish the yin would be gentle yoga, somatics, Qi gong, Tai Qi,meditation and pranayama. Of course one needs to eat right and have proper amounts of rest, relaxation and exercise.

Basically we increase vitality by decreasing the sympathetic overload and increasing the parasympathetic tone of our lives.

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