Miraclous Magical Amazing Grace
Miracles, Yes I do actually believe in miracles. I had to wonder for myself, “What is a Miracle?” I think of miracles as holding a magical power or grace that is from a source greater than ourselves. There are many kinds of miracles. The everyday kind, such as a rainbow appearing at the perfect profound moment. The miracle of the sun rising every morning and blessing every day of our lives. The miracle of seedlings bursting through the ground. The miracle of childbirth as well as the gestation inside a woman’s body. Of course these miracles can be explained scientifically. But still, they are miracles. So for me miracles contain a mystery, a certain blessing from the divine that makes it all happen. Even if something is explained scientifically innate with in it is a special power that is contained.
I am about to take a journey to see John of God who is a spirit healer and psychic surgeon in Brazil. He is able to heal incurable disease and have people come in with crutches and walk out without crutches. Now at his place there miracles are performed everyday, the special kind. Maybe we can call them “real” miracles because they happen and are inexplicable. In any event I believe that something special happens there and people from all walks of life receive a special blessing. So how is it possible. Well, from what I have heard, he works with entities and has them work to heal the people. “FOR REAL?” That’s what they say. I have heard from different people some totally outrageous experiences. One person I know received a psychic surgery in the day and then at night stitches appeared in their arm while they slept……That is definitely unusual.
I look forward to receiving a miracle and seeing miracles and believing even more in miracles.