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Native Wisdom

Native Wisdom

Wisdom that comes from nature.

When you think about a native person they are someone that lives in close relation to the earth. So native wisdom is wisdom that comes from the earth.

It is common that modern society views nature as more of a backdrop to human civilization as opposed to the ground of being in which all life resides.

This separation from nature creates a view that native wisdom is somehow in the domain of certain tribes, or races of people. What is true is that certain groups of people are living in a more natural and simple manner and have more experience and more sensitivity within their ambient surroundings.

Modern folks have a tendency to think they need to “go out into nature”, while in reality there is no “out there” when it comes to nature. She is all there is.

I have native wisdom, but it does not come from a bloodline or from living in any specific place. It is my practice of connecting with my ambient surroundings of light, air, water, color, plants, animals (yes, including, the human ones), temperature, sounds, and smells. We are human instruments able to monitor, and absorb nature, thereby learning from it. Just standing with bare feet on the ground provides a connection to our earth’s electrical field that most modern humans never experience and this electrical grounding is truly vital to our health and peace of mind.

I practice natural medicine utilizing plants. My grandmother said there is not an illness known to man that can not be healed by a plant. Learning how to work with plants, being in a harmonious relations to them connects us to our ancestors, to a time when people lived more simply.

So while the modern world may have gone astray from the native wisdom that dominates our human story, we can not be separate from it because we are an aspect of nature. We need only to stop and breathe, look at the sky, listen to the song of the bugs and birds, smell the fragrant plants, feel the sand beneath our feet and reach into our memory to hear the ancient teachings, remembering our own native wisdom.

Feet planted on the ground of Mother Earth, arms held open up to father sky.

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