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Running Runner Long Distance Fitness 40751

Radiant Health

]The unattainable state?

Recently I asked my husband what he thought about the theme of this months issue: Radiant Health… I can still hear his monologue, or should I say tirade. He thinks of himself as a pretty healthy guy and yet he started  to list his health deficiencies; receding hairline, graying hair, congestion in his ears, sore back muscles and leg cramps. And then he went on about how addicted our culture is to superficial levels of cosmetic health,  fads, and magic pills…

It got me to wonder is radiant health even possible? And did I even know anyone who actually had attained it. I started to think perhaps children had the best shot at it, but realized how often most kids get sick with the normal things as well as allergies. The elderly were not a good target group as almost all the old folks have a list of troubles. Our county spent 2.6 trillion dollars on health care in 2010 alone. Did it work? Are we radiantly healthy?


I have been pondering this question. Is it a healthy glow or is a deep state of peace within one’s being that would then Radiate out? I am sure that you must have the inner peace conjoined with the physical piece to truly be “Radiantly Healthy”. We all want this glow. How do we attain it? Of course eating right, exercising, drinking clean water, and resting well. What Else?

We live on one of the most beautiful island in the world.  We still have our challenges: there is sugar cane burning, vog, Electro magnetic stress, demands of a modern technological society.

There is no easy answer except for awareness. Being mindful of all our choices in life and how we chose to care for ourselves. It is not an easy state to attain. It requires paying close attention to our inner and outer environments and sometimes asking for help. It also requires acceptance of where we are on our journey to Radiant Health and Wholeness.

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