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Re-invent Yourself

At different junctures throughout our lives, we may choose to reinvent ourselves for a variety of reasons. It might be because of a career change, the loss of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, or a move to a new place. These major shifts may cause you to want to live your life in a new and different way. For many people this may seem daunting, but if you take it step by step and just keep moving forward, you will succeed.


As humans we are made to evolve and change. As adults we are reinventing ourselves all the time. Every day we can make choices in our lives that will propel us forward or take us backward.


Ultimately, reinvention is about self-love. It’s when you love yourself enough that you know you deserve better. In reinventing yourself, you can move towards being who you’ve always wanted to be. It is freeing and it requires freedom to choose a new self-image. Don’t let your fear of what others might think hold you back from doing what you want.


You have to start somewhere, so imagine yourself as you would like to be. Find your strengths and your weaknesses, and use them both to help you move forward in your plan. If you think you want a new career, then read about it, take classes and find a mentor. Even if you have a job and want to change careers, then in your spare time every day put some energy towards your goal. Make a plan. Try things out. Let yourself be inspired. Rekindle your passion. Do what you love and success will follow!


If you want to paint, then buy a canvas and start painting. If you want to write, then take time every day to read and write. If you want to start a business, then make a business plan. Let others who have done what you want to do be a source of inspiration for you.


Reinventing ourselves can be scary because it is unknown and our minds believe it is dangerous. We can always find many excuses that will hold us back. We have to override our fears, be brave and take chances. If you fail, just stay with it; try it a different way and then try it again. It is definitely a journey in which you must make a commitment and stay with it. Accept failure and resume your commitment.


In this process of reinventing yourself, take time each day to sit and meditate. It will bring you to your core, and you will find greater calmness, efficiency and success in your life. If you are feeling really down in the dumps, then practice gratitude by writing down in a journal all that you have to be grateful for.


As I said earlier, reinvention is about self-love. We need to make friends with ourselves. We can create who we want to be and then take very sincere steps forward to manifest that.


If there are things that you have always wished you had done, then try to make time and space for those things to happen. I’ve always wanted to learn to play an instrument, and so I am taking college classes to learn to play the ukulele. I struggle with sometimes feeling that I don’t play very well, but I just keep going to class knowing that eventually I will be able to play well enough to accompany my friends. It takes time, energy and commitment, but I know it will be worth it.


You are worth it. Be your own amazing masterpiece!


Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM, LMT, has been an acupuncturist and natural healthcare practitioner for 23 years. Find her at the Quan Yin Healing Center located on the north shore of Maui, or call her at 808.579.8810.

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