Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine for All Seasons
Woman are very changeable. We have seasons of our lives. Our bodies are in a constant state of change and flux. From the onset of puberty, to menstruation, pregnancy and then menopause, with the constant monthly cycles of menstruation in…
Are you Tired?
Fatigue seems to be a big complaint for lots of people. Even if they sleep well and eat “right”. What’s that all about? It’s at times daunting all the interconnectedness of symptoms. One random symptom being linked to another symptom.…
Creatures Of Habit
We are creatures of habit and that’s a good thing. As we learn all of the myriad behaviors that make up who we are: standing, walking, eating, speaking, reading, writing and social interactions we habituate these motor skills, habits and…
Feeling Good
Do you ever check in with your body to see how you’re really feeling? I often joke that we change the oil in our car, but how often do we clean out our bodies? We are subjected to many…
Divine Creation
I have always been a seeker. Born into a Catholic family, I liked doing the rosary as a child. When I was 16 I started to study yoga.,which would become a deep passion and love of mine. I would go…
Do you have leaky gut?
More than 2000 years ago Hippocrates, the Father Of Medicine said “All diseases begin in the gut.” We are actually just truly understanding this now. The gut is the gateway to your health. In recent years the Microbiome has become…
Do you need Magnesium?
Magnesium is the most critical nutrient necessary for the electrical stability of every cell in the body. It may be the most important nutrient needed by our bodies. Magnesium is an essential nutrient that is often found to be deficient…
Double Shot Cappuccino and a Massage
It is a strange thing that people often complain of having a lack of energy. Yet, at the quantum level we are made of energy. So, how can we improve our vitality? I have been giving this some thought and…
Inspiration Move Me Brightly
Sitting and Resting and recovering from surgery has been quite an insightful and restful time. I have needed to find my wellspring as I have not been able to do my regular running, dancing, swimming, jumping and playing. Now that…