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Wake Up! Your Are the Eyes of This World

We are all on a journey of this amazing life that we have been gifted. The Buddhists call it your precious human birth. This is it. It’s not a dress rehearsal,  there are no guarantees that you will coming back in this human form. It’s your movie. From what I have gathered thus far, it seems that the inner landscape is way more interesting than the outer environment. I love to ask elders what wisdom they have to share. Quite often they recommend enjoying life more, worrying less, enjoying your friends and family. Don’t take yourself so seriously. Also they say there are more regrets about what you haven’t done than what you’ve done.

I love the image of the spiral  which has been used for thousands of years to signify this journey of awakening, of presence. We are all heading towards the center of ourselves as we dance this magical dance of life, learning and growing. It all seems to be moving more quickly and with greater intensity requiring us to wake up. Really we are already awake inside the veils of illusion that obscure our essence or true nature.

Take time to reflect, to meditate, to be more present in your life, in your relations, in your self. It doesn’t need to be a big formal practice or lots of time,  it can be in small moments all day long. Tune into your breathing, stand on the earth barefoot, when you get in your car before you drive away sit quietly for a moment. Drop in to yourself. Treat yourself with kindness and love. Give gratitude for everything. Whatever you are doing in your day do it wholeheartedly. Connect with your physical heart in the center of your chest and move from there. Greet friends from that openhearted place and you will be amazed at the results. These are all useful tools to facilitate being present.

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